Full-size museum quality replica created directly from my restoration of a ultra-high resolution scan of the original from the Jay Duncan collection! Materials for this film are extremely scarce.
Look at the detailed close-up images here showing the razor sharp quality down to the smallest details. Printed with no-fade permanent vibrant inks on archival heavy paper. One-of-a-kind item, available only here in this extreme high resolution printing. Exclusive poster that will look fantastic on any wall. Note: I also have high res scans on this title in other formats - one sheet, half sheets, lobby cards, etc.
Message me if interested in anything specific. I have over 62,000 high res scans all made directly from originals of all sizes. Also please check out my restored billboards - many to choose from!WORLD WITHOUT END, THE BIRDS, WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, THIS ISLAND EARTH, MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, THE TIME MACHINE, THUNDERBALL, GOLDFINGER, THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS and many more! All are restored in detail like you've never seen before, many never available anywhere, ever! EXCLUSIVELY HERE IN THIS HIGH RESOLUTION SPECIAL EDITION PRINTING, AND NOWHERE ELSE!